What is Darknet Next Generation (Darknet-NG)!?

It’s a learning contest designed participants of all ages and skill levels!

Darknet-NG at DEFCON is your chance to learn new skills, connect with the community, and earn in-game points!

Modeled like an alternate reality game (ARG), you’ll take on the persona of an agent. The mysterious β€œDaemon” will send you on exciting Quests to learn real skills and gain in-game points.

If you are ready to get started, click “Join CTF” link below to

There are two types of Quests: Learning & Challenge.

Learning Quests will encourage you to explore new subjects, visit villages, or seek out community members.

Challenge Quests will test your knowledge and skills through practical applications.

You’ll master skills like electronics 101, lock-picking, code breaking, password cracking, Open Source Intelligence Gathering, soldering, and more.

Community is the heart of Darknet-NG. This cooperative contest allows you to work with other agents. While you earn your own skills and points, you’ll also collaborate with the larger community to support each other.

Form a team (called a Holon) with other agents to tackle bigger challenges together!


Darknet-NG 13 DIY Badge Step 1

Step 1: Buy Your Badge Parts Get Ready for the Darknet 13 DIY Badge! 🌟 This Year We’re Bringing You an Off-Grid Experience with Commercially Off-The-Shelf Hardware & Open Source Software! 🌟 πŸ”§ 3D Printed Read more…