Official post for the Darknet-NG-12-Badge case!

Gater(Myself) & Digital have been designing and working on this badge and case since Dec 2022.
After many (20+) iterations we are happy to share DN-Badge-version-8.6.0!!!
If you have access to a 3D printer you can print your own.
If you don’t own a 3D Printer, you can go to your local Hackerspace, Makerspace, DEF CON Group or Library.
If you don’t have anyone local, there are places you can print it online too.
We are open sourcing the designs and giving links to modify the design!
STL (3D Print files) on our Github
You can also find them on
It’s Open Source
We want you to modify, fork, and or customize the badge!
We are releasing all of this early to get you excited to learn about 3D Printing!
There will be contests on the best design, most creative, and functional badge designs.
We want to see your prototypes and that you are printing!
On Twitter and Mastodon use the Hashtag #darknetng #badge so we can see your designs,
and join our discord and post pictures to our #badge-info!
Source Files for Modification
There a lot of programs that you can use to design, make or customize your own badge. (Autocad, Blender, Fustion 360, OpenCad)
Part of the Darknet-NG goals, are to teach/introduce a topic with someone new to the project, and then challenge you to use that skill later on!
So In my opinion I want to introduce folks just getting started with 3D Printing the the easiest start.
And In my opinion, Tinkercad is the best place to start.
You can create a free account with tinkercad, then you can access the individual parts here.
We want to see your badges!
Remember to post On Twitter and Mastodon use the Hashtag #darknetng #badge so we can see your designs,
and join our discord and post pictures to our #badge-info!
Video’s with walk through will be posted on our youtube channel this weekend!